Brassicas can be planted late spring to early fall.


Forage brassicas are very useful for extending the grazing season when other forages are less productive. Forage brassicas are very high in crude protein and have a very good cell wall digestibility. Forage turnips can be grown as a monostand or in mixed stands with forage grasses in late spring or early fall. They develop rapidly (12 weeks) to produce highly palatable and nutritious feed, thus reducing the winter concentrate feeding period by months. Turnips can also be lifted or dug and used for silage, as they have comparatively high sugar content in their enlarged roots/bulbs. Turnips have good feeding value with high energy and digestible protein (15 percent). Dry matter accumulation in turnips in October is similar to that of field of corn in August. Plant in late summer to extend the grazing season to late fall or early winter.


Since brassicas are very high in crude protein and energy and low in fiber, animals may need some roughage in the form of dry hay or mature pasture if they are eating pure stands of brassicas.


Brassicas can be planted late spring to early fall. Allow at least 45 days of growth before you plan to use the forage. For multiple grazing, plant in late spring. Plant in the early fall for single late fall or early winter grazing, similar to stockpiling fescue. Brassicas can be no-tilled or drilled into firm seedbed in conventional tillage and should be seeded at 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. Weed pressure needs to be suppressed for up to two weeks after emergence. Seed can be broadcast and incorporated by cult packing. Brassicas will smother out most weeds once they are established. They can be successfully no-till seeded at a lower rate into established pastures. Brassicas are not well adapted to wet or poorly drained soils.

Tapper Cover Crop Radish


  • Naturally reduces soil compaction
  • Suppresses weeds and increases organic matter
  • Retains soil moisture
  • Traps nutrients for future crops
Barkant Turnip

Description: View Store

  • High dry matter production
  • High bulb yield with good top growth
  • High sugar content which provides winter hardiness and increased palatability

T-Raptor Hybrid

Description: View Store

  • Higher leaf-to-bulb ratio and is well suited to grazing
  • Excellent late summer feed source
  • Good supplement for late summer periods when cool season forage grasses slow in production



  • High Yields and resistant to lodging
  • Resistant to powdery mildew, making it highly palatable
  • Disease Tolerant